Saturday, June 28, 2014

Something Old

You've seen my new things and the things I dream of, but what about old things? Recently someone asked the Adelaide Lolita Community, 'What was your first coordinate?' Some curiousity overcame me. While I had no surviving photo's of my own, a quick google found me a post featuring my first time wearing lolita to a local convention back when it was still held at the university- AVCon in 2008! Next month will mark six years, so it seems as good a time as any!

This story actually begins in 2006, the first time I went to Japan. Previously I'd studied Bahasa Indonesia and had a great interest in Indonesia, unfortunately I moved and the school no longer offered the language for study. They didn't offer Japanese either, but they were organising an exchange! Our school often hosted Japanese students, and our sister school was keen to return the opportunity. When I returned from Japan, I told my mother I wanted to go again. She told me I had to get a job.

And I did! I went back to Japan again with my school in 2007 and after I graduated I decided to go again in 2008. This time I went solo and stayed with my two previous home stay families. One of them I asked to take me to 'Baby the Stars Shine Bright'. Honestly, I think they thought it was weird, but they took me anyway.

My first dress! Full shirring is the devil. It may fit but even on the mannequin it's unflattering. I adored the bustle though.

It was a bit awkward, I don't think I was a very big girl (in fact I don't know that my weight has changed all that much since then, though I suppose distribution may have) and orginally I wanted the skirt. If you know about Japanese sizing, especially in lolita, back at that time even Baby only really went up to 72cm at max in skirts. They weren't very forgiving. This one was just 64cm! I was offered the fully shirred jumperskirt to try. It was a bit upsetting but when I put it on- I really loved it! My budget couldn't really afford much more, but my dear host family bought me a beautiful parasol (pictured above) that since I've sold the jumperskirt long ago, is now the oldest item in my wardrobe.

After I returned home, since I had deffered university, I worked a lot and was able to continue to buy bits and pieces. I bought my darling Koko, a medium sized pink usakumya, found out where to buy rocking horse shoes (all the rage at the time) and put in my first Anna House order (which I messed up royally). I used Crescent Shop (now Noppin) to buy things, and made my first Angelic Pretty purchase too! By the time AVCon rolled around, I should have had everything I needed.

My first AP purchase. It's very dated now, but I really fell in love with it. I don't really know why (there were a lot of very cute series out in 2008) but I remember loving the big lace on the bodice.

Alas, my Anna House order didn't arrive and the blouse and petticoat I had been counting on weren't there. I went anyway. I don't think it comes as any surprise that I didn't really have much of a sense of style or fashion- I didn't use make up in high school, I didn't bother with my hair. I wasn't really a tom boy- I was just lazy. I spent a lot of my time trying to avoid such things that by the time I was interested it felt stupid to ask the questions. 

The outfit above, from 2008, was actually what I chose to wear into the parade at AVCon. My new friend who I was seated next to, came second! She knew the parade organisers and told me that I'd only lost to her because I hadn't any head piece! I'm not sure what that says about lolita at the time, or the judging but there you go. I did feel pretty cute at the time though!

My first ever dream dress, and one of the first I saw when I entered lolita. I obtained the first style, in the second colour later but eventually sold it.

It took me some time to come into my own, and I became involved in lolita at a time when things were really changing. OTT was still called Deco-loli (Decora + Lolita) then, prints were taking off in popularity and brands (Baby and AP) began offering their products for order directly to those overseas. It wasn't 2001 or anything, but lolita now doesn't look much like it did when I started and I can't say that I'm all that sad about it.

Hopefully, after all this time you can see some improvement! It took some time but with a little practice, google and some beautiful, wonderfully helpful friends I was able to learn more about fashion, style and make up. I gave up on my hair late 00's, and bought some wigs and thanks to that (and youtube) I've even gotten more comfortable with attempting to style my own hair (not to mention I've grown it back out after some long years of cutting it short). I may have learned of lolita in 2006 and started wearing it in 2008 but until I returned from my university exchange to Japan (Handai!) in 2011 that I really started to sort myself out. I guess we all get there at our own pace!

There is a lot happening in lolita these days; lots of style mixing and matching, so I'm interested to see what will happen in the future. It seems bright~ ♪

Much love and thanks, my dears!
♔ crown ♔ tea ♔
Peter Pan Syndrome

Thanks you so much for reading~ ♥

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