Saturday, December 6, 2014

ILD - Christmas Meet Edition

The community picnic meet happened to fall on International Lolita Day, so I decided to go. It was so so windy though it didn't rain at all. I didn't end up staying very long, since things moved inside and I wanted to get home because Thali had made a cake!

I spent too long this morning tossing up between wearing Honey Cake and Magical Etoile, but in the end you can see which won. I went fairly simple, thinking back to a previous time I wore this jumperskirt but using lavender because I'm on a pink x lavender kick at the moment. Simple is good for me, I felt cute and that's all that really matters.

Thanks for looking~


  1. Oh what a sweet outfit! You always put them together perfectly. :)
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

    1. Thank you so much! I always feel so boring so it's really lovely to read your comment ; ^ ;~♥

  2. Oh what a sweetie! I can see you've recently gotten VERY into the ribbon neck tie thing. I've been a personal fan for years. It looks good no matter what you wear!! :P
