Thursday, July 30, 2015

AVCon Haul

My little AVCon haul! I was, I think, very modest in my spending. I picked up some cute little bits and pieces in the artist alley and then also some exhibitors loot; a. ETC cardigan and Jewelry Jelly ring from Dapper Doe, Sylveon pokedoll thanks to Christine and one of the best rings in the world from Mascarateer. 

Thali saw the cardigan and told me to run over and look. It matches really well with my wardrobe, though is quite a dark cream, I'm really glad I grabbed it and the ribbon details are so cute. I just love cardigans so much. 

I was intending to pair it with a number of my dresses to show it off, but I ran out of light so here it is with my current favourite (it would seem) Sweetie Chandelier.

About AVCon, it was interesting. The convention centre has finished being renovated on a side that was formerly closed, so the venue was significantly bigger. I heard that there was also a significantly larger number of attendees through the door. It's a shame we apparently didn't see many of them.

The weekend was relatively stress free though. I managed to not be up too late most nights, and did my best to try and prevent con plague... it didn't happen. Australia recently was hit with a nice Antarctic cold snap. Coupled with a couple of 10 hour bus trips, when we finally rolled home I rolled right into bed and didn't leave for the rest of the day.

I was able to see many of my friends over the course of the weekend, some of them allowed us to stay with them (thank you Bear and Riana!) so we graciously took them out for dessert. Others I saw throughout the weekend. Each year I get to know the Adelaide girls a little better. Not many people are still in the comm from since I left, so it can be a bit intimidating. Thankfully there are some lovely girls, and I was really glad to get to have a good chat with them (the bonus of a quiet weekend I suppose!).

The parade this year, that I talked a bit about earlier, was much improved from previous years! A pair of videos were shown, which I thought was a nice touch to help people understand what they were watching. I ended up having to go first, which was intimidating as hell and forgot to go back and sit down causing a rabble behind the curtains as the first few girls came down off the stage. There were so many beautifully dressed girls, and there was a lot of creativity. I was really impressed.

Other than making my way down the AA, and going from table to the Dapper Doe booth to the food area that contained tea, I don't really know what else was going on in the convention. So that was AVCon, over again for another year. I'm now just hoping we will be able to try this time to make the trip back to Adelaide again before the next one rolls around!


  1. What a cute cardigan ♥ I love the way it matches the dress !
    (Also, that Sylveon plushie looks adorable !)

    1. Ahhh thank you so much! ♥ It really was a fortunate find, and I can never pass up a well priced cardigan, hehe. (And itsn't it just the silliest thing? I couldn't get over its little legs!)

  2. That cardigan is so cute! I love the colour ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon
