Monday, May 4, 2015

Coat of Arms Alteration

 A little while ago I mentioned I was working on something, and this was it! I'd been meaning to get to it for a little while, but it took me a little while to get around to finishing it (and in the same vein as the DDC alteration, I ended up finishing off both arms on the morning of the day I decided I wanted to wear it...).

 I'm not a fan of one pieces, they usually feel very restrictive and limited- style and comfort wise. So I resolved to remove the sleeves and collar. The collar was cut too high, and the arms too wide for me. I'm planning to use the fabric from the sleeves to make a matching beret as well as possibly using some to trim the pockets of a cropped jacket. Who knows when I'll get to that though!

I did consider selling this piece, but I received it in a lucky pack and it was and still is quite unpopular (most people perfer the JSK in the other colour) so I decided to make it work for me instead.

First step was to remove everything and uncover APs's secrets. 

Sleeves and collar removed. From this point I had Thali help me with marking out a new neckline, and used some black velveteen we had to make my own bias binding. I cut in the new neckline and also brought in the arm scythe and then attached the bias binding by hand.

Finished! I don't think I attached the binding in a very conventional manner. In fact other than resewing DDC's binding back on, I haven't really used bias binding before. I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I had to decide whether I wanted to bring the arm scythe in again further, but doing so would risk ruining the shoulder decoration- the silver trim unraveled like nobodies business- so in the end I left it wider than I would have prefered.

Paired with a black chiffon blouse, the dress will be a lot more comfortable in an Australian climate.

I think using the velveteen to trim it keeps some of the character of the garment and doesn't detract too much, it's certainly a lot more comfortable and a little more versatile!


I have not forgotten the pink dress I was making either, I finally got the last bit of fabric I needed- now if I can just find the time...


  1. Very nice work! Your alteration looks really well done and the finished piece looks so good an intentional that if I didn't know it was altered I wouldn't have guessed.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm really glad to read that, as I always get a little nervous about these things ><

  2. I definitely like it better after your alteration, much more versatile. I haven't even tried wearing a long sleeved OP in Australia yet (I just moved here!) but I imagine it would be unpleasant.


    1. Thank you, I'm glad you think so ♥ I didn't realise you'd moved to Australia, I hope you've settled in well! I used to live in WA and I don't think I could have been paid to wear an OP there even in winter!

    2. I'm actually getting chilly at 20C now, which would be summer in Ireland, where I'm from O_O I have the heating on at the moment! I want to visit Melbourne to hit up the Hello Kitty café at some point too. We're going to be staying for a few years so it will happen eventually :-)

    3. Ahhh I wish it were 20C right now, it's gotten so so cold over here x_x I don't think I've turned the heating off all day! Please let me know if you ever come to Melbourne, it would be lovely to meet you! (Though I have to add that as of yet, the Hello Kitty cafe is in Adelaide, which is also a lovely little city ♥).

  3. Oh, it looks wonderful! You did an amazing job ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

    1. Thank you! That's so lovely to read T___T ♥
